The limitations of natural energy resources and ever-rising energy prices are the driving forces behind increased energy efficiency practiced by individuals, corporations and the whole of society.The utilization of highly energy efficient technologies and continuous monitoring of energy consumption is playing an important role, even in budget discussions.

The experts of SEF are highly qualified to assess your energy related facilities.  The goals of this are to make use of latent potential, improve energy efficiency and do so economically. As a result of their long history of experience, the experts of SEF are able to develop sustainable energy solutions for both public and private organizations.

Competences / Main Focus

  • Development of innovative ideas for sustainable energy sources
  • Performance assessment and analysis of existing energy systems
  • Introduction of energy-saving technologies (e.g. cogeneration, frequency modification technologies, modern heating, air conditioning, controlled extract ventilation systems, use of waste heat, heat exchange, waste water heat, insulation)
  • Introduction of energy management and controlling systems
  • Consulting service to facilitate management decisions
  • Training